Like his band, Shadows can be an acquired taste. In the beginning, Shadows did a lot of scream work, rather than the slightly nasal sound he uses more now. Some may call it an "emo" sound, and maybe it is, but it's definitely powerful (plus, all of the guys in that band look like they could mess you up). He's brought back the old metal screams a little on their new album, Nightmare, with songs such as "God Hates Us," but for the most part, I like his new style better. I remember the first song I ever heard of theirs was when I saw the music video for "Seize the Day," and it's still one of my favorite songs, just because of its lyrical depth. I like a band who can question life and death.
Best tracks: "Bat Country," "Nightmare," "Dear God," "Beast and the Harlot"
You guys rock, what I would give to spend just a day with matthew sanders. you got my heart.