Criticism for her single, "Friday," has been circulating around the Internet for what amounts to eons in our superfast society, so it may seem like I'm a little late, but I've just barely heard it - not my fault, a friend made me listen to it, so I could see "how bad it really was."
I must say, I have never been so horrified by anything purporting to be "music" in my life. I hate saying that when the person I'm talking about is only thirteen, but it's true.
Black's parents reportedly shelled out $4000 for Ark Music Factory of Los Angeles to record the song, which features an auto-tuned Black half-speaking, half-singing.
What I want to say about it is this: Has America (and the world) really come to this? Are we really just so shallow that we will dance to the most mindless lyrics and download the most unmelodic atrocities to our iPods? Or is Black's popularity a result of everyone watching her video on YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, etc. so they can comment on how bad it is? I know that Justin Bieber's popularity doesn't just center on people who think he sucks; it's the tweenage fangirls who are to blame for these viral monstrosities! (Seriously, think about it: who made the Twilight series so popular?) I just think it's sad that money can truly buy you everything in today's society, including talent. It's also sad that her parents are pushing her into this sort of career when she's clearly not ready. She's gotten much worse criticism than I'm giving here, and she's going to keep getting it. But still, I say to you, America, grow up in your taste in music.
The only reason I've ever heard people listening to it is to make fun of her.