Sunday, April 17, 2011

Favorite Singers: Alexis Brown

Okay, I know I've vamped Straight Line Stitch, and particularly frontwoman Alexis Brown, a lot on this blog, but it's for a reason: they're really good. They're underrated. And they're worth checking out. Mark my words, in another couple of years, this will be one of the bands you wish you discovered when they were just starting out.
Anyway, Brown has one of the best metal voices I've ever heard, man or woman. She has perfected the art of going from a light, angelic voice one second to demonic screaming the next. In a world where women are rare, she's managed to create her own uniquely female style, while still sounding like "one of the guys." It's powerful and yet not forced. According to an interview with, Brown claims that she taught herself to scream when she was sixteen years old, using a guitar amp she had in her room. For the release of their first album, she took some lessons. You can really tell that she's come a long way, even from the release of their debut album, When Skies Wash Ashore, to their new release, The Fight of Our Lives. They're touring with In This Moment right now, but I think Brown is already on a level with frontwoman Maria Brink. That would be a concert I'd like to see.

Best tracks: "Conversion," "Black Veil," "Remission," "What You Do to Me"

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