Thursday, April 7, 2011

Lady Gaga Confronts Fundamentalist Psycho

This is outside of one of Lady Gaga's concerts. This guy is passing out "Get Out of Hell Free" cards. When Gaga approaches him in a friendly manner, he starts ranting about her "pervert ways" - referring, of course, to her support for the gay community. I am so sick of people like this. I know it's not normal to be as homophobic as this guy, but I still feel like there are a lot of careless remarks made by people who think they are doing "the right thing." Guess what, straight folks? There are gay people out there - and guess what else? They don't want it shoved down their throats that people think their lifestyles are "wrong." If you don't think it's right, don't say anything. Everybody wins. But you don't have to shun someone because you don't think what they're doing is right. Anyway, that was me, on my soapbox.


  1. Oh I totally agree with you here. I feel like people who are that condemning of others are, in a way, worse than who they're condemning. It's just ridiculous.

  2. It's like they don't think before things come out of their mouths. I think they would take a step back if they realized how ridiculous they look.
