Tuesday, September 6, 2011

The Best Music Video I've Ever Seen

I had absolutely refused to listen to post-Layne Staley Alice in Chains - I felt it wouldn't be the same. But when I first heard this song, on rock radio, I was awed - literally awed - before I could even turn the dial. It's what made me pre-order their latest album, Black Gives Way to Blue. Sadly, the rest of the album didn't pan out so well (at least not in my opinion), but it doesn't matter. This song is the type of song that can only be made once in a lifetime. I thought it couldn't get any better.
Then I saw the video. This fascinating, creepy, insightful mix of human vice and suffering has inspired many of my short stories and poems, as well as influencing plot elements of my longer works. But don't take my word for it. Listen. Watch. Come away believing in music again.

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